
I’m Guangcheng Liu, a student majoring in physics at Wuhan University and I graduated in the summer 2023.

My interest of physics is Quantum Computation (especially in ion trap).

Research Experience & Personal Research Interests

Before I entered university, I had heard about quantum computing. In my freshman year, I was fortunate to attend a lecture by Yuan Shengjun of Wuhan University, which focused on large scale simulation of quantum computers. Finally, when Prof. Yuan planned to build a quantum computing simulator, I got up the courage to send an email to Prof. Shengjun Yuan, hoping to join his group to build such a simulator.

Since March 2021, I have been working on the simulation of quantum system dynamics in the group of Prof. Shengjun Yuan at Wuhan University. At the beginning, I mainly used the Trotter-Suzuki formulation and Chebyshev polynomial decomposition to perform numerical simulations related to quantum dynamics.

In addition, I have done some research on the numerical simulation of large scale quantum spin systems, and realized the quantum computer simulation of physical NMR systems. I have developed a front-end interface for the quantum platform in order to build quantum circuits more easily. For the back-end, I developed a high-performance universal quantum computing simulator based on MPI to realize large-scale quantum circuit simulations.UQCS

In my sophomore year in 2021 I joined Prof. Feng Mang’s group at APM,Chinese Academy of Sciences.This laboratory is the first lab in China which achieved single-qubit QIP for trapped ions and has a history of more than 10 years. I first studied the dynamics of a single ion in the linear Paul trap, and realized the single qubit gate operation by carrier transition, so as to have a better understanding of the ion trap system.and then I was mainly responsible for the theoretical derivation and numerical simulation of the MS gate. I have programed to obtain the minimum gate time and maximum fidelity of the prepared entangled states under the consideration of the average phonon number, AC-Stark effect, and the redundant carrier transitions on density matrix evolution.

In addition, I attended a seminar on quantum information and quantum computing jointly organized by China University of Science and Technology and Huawei from June to August 2021. The seminar took the form of group discussions, mainly to learn the theoretical knowledge of quantum computing and quantum information (QCQI by Isaac Chuang and Michael Nielsen). Before each discussion, I prepared the textbook content carefully and understood each problem by searching the related sources, then discussed it with my classmates. After two months of seminar, I have strengthened my theoretical foundation related to quantum information and quantum computing.

My Latest Note

Atomic Physics Review[Simplified version]


Quantum Information and quantum computation

Numerical Recipes in Physics


Mathematical Physics

Discrete Mathematics

Classical Mechanics

Racket Homework

Advanced Quantum Mechanics