We are a research group at the USTC. Our Lab focus on quantum computing using trapped ion.
We focus on four main technical paths: long ion chain with Be+ ions,QEC,sampling experiment(IQP) and weak measurement.And now we are in the era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computng.But these NISQ devices are not powerful enough for useful computations beyond the capabilities of today’s best classical supercomputers.Thus our ultimate goal is to build a Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer.
We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !
We are grateful for funding from University of Science and Technology of China, USTC
7. Aug. 2023
Congratulations! Trap three ions in BeII system and crystalize
10. Aug. 2023
Trap 50 ions in Be I system
12. Mar. 2023
Trap 32 ions in Be I system Congratulations!
1. Jul. 2022
Welcome Guangcheng Liu,Zihan Huang,Shichong Chen,Yichao Zhuo and Xinyi Wang to join our lab to start their Undergraduation Thesis
1. Jan. 2022
Welcome to Jiehang Zhang and Ye Wang’s trapped ion lab — Our lab is officially starting!